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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id pulvinar nisl. Etiam aliquet sapien enim, in accumsan leo ullamcorper ac. Ut congue justo nulla, a commodo est pulvinar ut. Maecenas ac nunc luctus, semper purus quis, mollis risus. Aenean et gravida neque. Maecenas commodo molestie odio ut faucibus. Suspendisse potenti.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id pulvinar nisl. Etiam aliquet sapien enim, in accumsan leo ullamcorper ac. Ut congue justo nulla, a commodo est pulvinar ut. Maecenas ac nunc luctus, semper purus quis, mollis risus. Aenean et gravida neque. Maecenas commodo molestie odio ut faucibus. Suspendisse potenti.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id pulvinar nisl. Etiam aliquet sapien enim, in accumsan leo ullamcorper ac. Ut congue justo nulla, a commodo est pulvinar ut. Maecenas ac nunc luctus, semper purus quis, mollis risus. Aenean et gravida neque. Maecenas commodo molestie odio ut faucibus. Suspendisse potenti.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque id pulvinar nisl. Etiam aliquet sapien enim, in accumsan leo ullamcorper ac. Ut congue justo nulla, a commodo est pulvinar ut. Maecenas ac nunc luctus, semper purus quis, mollis risus. Aenean et gravida neque. Maecenas commodo molestie odio ut faucibus. Suspendisse potenti.

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Does a ‘negative’ result mean that my baby will be perfectly healthy?

If the screening result is No Aneuploidy Detected, it indicates a low-chance result, it does not completely rule out all potential issues with your baby’s chromosomes.

Although Illumiscreen is a highly reliable, non-invasive and advanced screening tool, no test can guarantee 100% that your baby will not have any other medical condition or physical defect.

The Illumiscreen prenatal screen is a highly reliable non-invasive advanced screening tool. No test, however, can guarantee a baby will not have any medical conditions.

Detailed discussion with your healthcare provider who referred your test, before and after testing is recommended.

Learn what an aneuploidy is under ‘How does the screening work’.

Information sheet

Download sheet

Information sheet

Download sheet

Information sheet

Download sheet

A simple, one-off blood test

Illumiscreen requires a single blood sample from your arm – just one visit to a collection centre and one tube of blood is all that is needed.

Choose from over 150 collection centres

Get your blood taken from your choice of 150 collection centres conveniently located all around Aotearoa New Zealand.

Screen from as early as 10 weeks

Have your screen from as early as 10 weeks.

Keeps your blood sample and genetic information in NZ

Your blood sample and genetic information of you and your baby stays in Aotearoa New Zealand, unlike similar prenatal screens, which send your blood sample overseas to be analysed.

Screens the whole genome

Screens the whole genome, not just chromosomes 13, 18 and 21, which other providers screen.

Receive results in as little as 5 – 7 work days

Receive results in as little as 5 – 7 working days from your blood sample arriving at the laboratory.